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Industry-Leading Equipment

Medit i700 3D Scanner

Green Apple Dental Care Medit i700 Scanner

Medit i700 3D Scanner is a handheld device used to directly create digital impression data of the oral cavity. Light source from the scanner is projected onto the scan objects, such as full dental arches, and then a 3D model processed by the scanning software will be displayed in real-time on a touch screen.

Medit i700 scanner is scanning with intelligent features and apps specialized for our dental procedures, improve consultation experience with our patients to provide better treatment options, and enhance your communication with labs through a real time could-based system. High accuracy of 3D dental models – that means NO errors. Perfect fit of any dental restoration including crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and veneers. Suitable for orthodontic and implant treatment.

Orthopos S 3D

Green Apple Dental Care Orthophos S CBCT Machine
Green Apple Dental Care Orthophos S 3D xray image

Orthopos S 3D is a 2D/3D imaging unit machine providing a different range of features that allow dentists to image, diagnose and treat for higher case acceptance, according to a press release, as well as to expand treatment services into implantology, endodontics, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) therapy, and orthodontics. One of the functions is a CBCT scan or cone-beam computed tomography scan can be beneficial to our dentist in obtaining a better overall view of your entire mouth, jaw, nasal, and throat areas. A CBCT creates fantastic 3D images that show bone, airway, and soft tissue in these areas, as well as any dental work you may have. The other function is OPG imaging providing a wide panoramic scanning dental x-ray of your upper and lower teeth. OPGs are used regularly in routine checkups to monitor and assess the health of your teeth and gums. Another function is the cephalometric (CEPH) X-ray providing a unique tool that enables the dentist to capture a complete radiographic image of the side of the face. X-rays in general offer the dentist a way to view the teeth, jawbone, and soft tissues beyond what can be seen with the naked eye. Cephalometric tracing allows for a precise and accurate analysis of the patient’s anatomy and is helpful in treatment planning especially orthodontic treatment.

Traus SUS10 Surgical Implant Motor

Green Apple Dental Care Traus Surgical Implant Motor

The Traus SUS10 is an Ultrasonic Piezo Surgical unit and Scaler and a Dental Implant Surgical Unit in one.

Own piezo technology enables optimized performance with powerful output.

  • Bone heating is avoided or minimized by injecting saline water at Max. 90ml/min speed.
  • TRAUS SUS10OP make various operation easy including Crestal approach, Sinus lift Ridge expansion, Bone harvesting, Bone craft, window open, and many others.
  • Multifunctional and ergonomic foot switch design.
  • Easily operating handpiece and saline water supply with the foot switch.
  • Simple and modern design.
  • Minimized bone heating Implant.

Sirona Cerec MC XL Milling and Grinding Unit

Green Apple Dental Care Sirona Cerec MC XL Milling and Grinding Unit

Cerec MX XL Unit is prepared for producing computer-aided dental restorations from natural-appearing ceramic material such as crown, inlay, onlay, and veneer. Grinding and milling the restoration design is extremely precise, giving the restorations smooth surfaces. Even very fine fissures are very precisely prepared, and the edges are very even.

Sirona CEREC 3D Scanner

Green Apple Dental Care Cerec 3D Scanner

Cerec 3D Scanner is using digital 3D-imaging software to make a detailed replication of your teeth. Actually Cerec 3D Scanner is similar with Medit scanner, but Cerec 3D scanner is connecting to Cerec MC XL grinding and milling unit machine to create dental restoration based on ceramic material such as crown, veneer, inlay, and onlay with extremely high performance.